sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

Configurar el ingreso al setup en VM VMWare

How to force VM to enter BIOS Setup mode on next boot up

Algo tan necesario pero que me ocasiono un dolor de cabeza es ingresar al setup de un vm en vmware, mas aun sino se tiene las teclas directas F2, F3, etc.
Bueno algo bien simple es editar una opcion en las propiedades de la vm (Esta en ingles):

As you may aware, we all had difficulty before this to select the boot option or BIOS setup mode during a VM startup or reboot. That is because the virtual center console delay respond and others reason, we always miss the option we need. Now, we do not require to press or reset the VM for multiple time. It can be easily force to enter BIOS mode for a VM on next reboot. 1st, right click the VM you would like to configure and select edit settings. Click on the option tab and choose on the boot option. At your right hand site, you will see the force BIOS setup. Check the box to force the VM entry to BIOS setup screen and click ok. The setting is done after that. On the next reboot, the VM will automatically go in to BIOS setup mode and you can configure the boot option priority as you need.
